Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood!

Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy was quoted in the Sunday New York Times as saying, "We'll bend over backward and roll out a red carpet...it's a clean industry that gets a major infusion into the economy." He added that he has put before the county legislature a proposal that would "spare" this industry's representatives "the hassle of getting separate permits from villages and towns."

Has Mr. Levy gotten religion and suddenly realized how difficult local municipalities make things for home builders? That solving the housing problems plaguing the region is the most crucial step he can take to turn around the local economy?

Alas and alack, my friends, he has not. Mr. Levy was referring to attracting Hollywood production companies to Long Island. Apparently television and movies are the answer to Suffolk County's future.

To be fair, Mr. Levy has made housing a priority and demonstrated his commitment to that priority by giving Affordable Housing guru Jim Morgo such a dominant role in his administration. But for the love of God, man, if you are going to take such bold steps to help an industry jump-start the economy, why not focus on the industry that is already here and in a position to create the housing so sorely needed to keep the next generation of workers on Long Island. Those workers will determine whether the thousands of companies already here get to stay here, not the glamour of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt sightings at the local Starbucks while they shoot their next great cinema classic.

Why not create a county-wide permitting procedure so our builders do not have to endure the time-consuming paper chase that creates costly delays in the construction process? Why not expedite matters so our builders can start building and putting hundreds of tradesmen and women to work - work that generates economy activity and tax dollars?

Granted, watching a young family move into their first home may not have the sex appeal of Lindsay Lohan strutting down the red carpet at a Hollywood premier but in the grand scheme of things it means a lot more to the future of Long Island.

1 comment:

C. Baker said...

The members who do not read your blogs are really missing something!
Where else can be find out news for our industry, and get more than a few chuckles!

I REALLY find the blogs, educational in many ways!

Oh by the way, who cares about Lindsey Lohanne she is to skinney anyway.