Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hoping for the best

Maybe a fresh start is what we all need.

Maybe the new guard will deliver the goods and turn the local, state and national economies around.

We certainly hope so.

There's an old saying: "Be careful what you pray for, because you might get it."

The Democrats prayed to be in control and, God bless them, now they are. Now we are going to find out if their ideas and their direction provide the answers. It's a lot easier to sit in the back of the room and shoot spitballs than it is to actually govern. The Democrats believe they are capable of running New York State better than their Republican counterparts and so did a majority of New Yorkers, apparently.

Again: we certainly hope so.

LIBI supports any effort that seeks to maintain a healthy balance of economic development and quality of life. We plan to support any elected official who proposes legislation with that end goal in mind. LIBI members live here and want to see our children stay here. We want what's best for our fellow New Yorkers just as much as everyone else.

The long, hard campaign is over. The even harder task of governing lies ahead. Let's have at it and let's make Long Island and New York healthy again!

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