Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pondering the Imponderables

If you're in the building industry there's a good chance you have dealt with lay-offs within your organization over the past year. At no point, however, would you let on to your customer base that you are "cutting back on services."

So why, then, it is accepted without comment that government layoffs will result on fewer government services? Why can't government workforces do more with less just like the private sector? When was the last time you heard a governor, mayor, county executive or town supervisor say he or she is going to cut costs within his or her bureauacy by asking their employees to work a little harder and maybe a little longer? Most likely the next time you hear such a thing will be the first time.

Just something to think about as we watch our elected officials deal with the financial mess created in no small part by the anti-development forces that have stifled the building industry on Long Island.

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